Hearing loss could be keeping you from experiencing life to the fullest.

We are here to help (you rejoin the conversation)!

Hearing loss occurs gradually over the course of months and years. One day, you might find that you are missing out on more of life than you'd like. When you are not hearing well, you are not experiencing life to the fullest, whether at home with friends and family or even at work.

The good news is—there's help.

Audeo paradise hearing aids

"What was that?" "What did you say?"

Are you ready to retire phrases like this from your everyday conversation?

If you think your hearing or the hearing of a loved one is declining, schedule an appointment today to find out what solutions are available.

We offer free hearing screenings to confirm that there is hearing loss.

If hearing loss is indicated, we offer more in-depth diagnostic hearing evaluations to determine the best course of action. While hearing aids are often a part of the solution, our in-depth diagnostic evaluations ensure that the best, most appropriate care plan is prescribed for each patient.

Is something else causing trouble with communication?

Issues like Auditory Processing Disorder and speech, reading, or language barriers all play a part in how well we communicate with others. Dr. Pillow can help you find answers and break these barriers.

Dr. Pillow has served the people of Covington, VA and Roanoke, VA for over 43 years as an audiologist and speech-language pathologist. With decades of expertise in these fields, he has and continues to help thousands of patients find answers.

Dr. Gary Pillow


Your hometown hearing doc

Dr. Gary Pillow is an educational Audiologist, Speech-Language Pathologist, teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Reading Specialist and Hearing Instrument Specialist. He specializes in the assessment and treatment of auditory processing disorders (APD) and reading disorders. He has been providing quality audiology, speech, language and reading services, and hearing instruments to the Alleghany Highlands and Roanoke Valley since 1981.

Dr. Pillow currently has offices in both Covington, VA and Roanoke, VA where he is offering in-person consultations, exams, and hearing-aid fitting services.



If something is getting in the way of communicating with your friends and family, find out how Dr. Pillow can help you.